Visit of Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo

During her first visit in the Presheva Valley, The Deputy Prime Minister and the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Diaspora of the Republic of Kosovo, Ms. Donika Gërvalla, visited the space of CC Livrit. Our activists, together with the representatives of the Preshevo Youth Office unfolded the concerns of our youth and discussed about the […]
Visit of the Coordination Body of the Government of the RS

Our activists in the spaces of the “Livrit” Center received the Delegation of the Coordination Body Service of the RS Government, with whom we talked about the history of the establishment of this Center, about the activities carried out so far, as well as plans and collaborations in it in the future. We agreed on […]
Visit of the OSCE Ambassador in Serbia

Following the meetings of His Excellency Jan Braathu, OSCE Ambassador to Serbia, in the municipalities of Presevo and Bujanovac, we had the honor to have him as a guest at the Livrit Creative Center. Together we agreed that only with the mutual commitment of all parties can we solve all the issues that concern us […]
Visit of the British Ambassador in Serbia

Today we had the honor of hosting in our center the British Ambassador in Serbia, Her Excellency Ms. Sian MacLeod, political officer Mr. Vladan Avramović, and the Mayor of the Municipality of Presheve, ms. Ardita Sinani. We introduced to Her Excellency the idea of founding “Livrit”, the concept of our organization and the activities we’ve done […]
Today Livrit had the opportunity to be part of LEAPin

Today Livrit had the opportunity to be part of LEAPin, the conference from Summit Croatia organized by LDA Balkan. The conference addressed a variety of topics, ranging from innovation, IT and modern technologies, entrepreneurship, career development and motivational stories. Viola Rrustemi from our team represented Livrit recounting our journey of success and at the same […]
Serbian language course from “Civic Initiatives” in Livrit

Today we successfully completed the serbian language course for albanians in Presheva. This is another important step towards the personal and professional advancement of the youth in our municipality. We are very thankful to the “Civilian Initiative” for making this course possible, hoping that we will continue to cooperate in the following months! “You’re worth […]
Livrit, part of the Erasmus + Project in Kiskunfélegyháza, Hungary

Last week, from 16th-24th of august, Livrit activists were part of the “Youth Work Must Go On” project supported by the European Commission through Erasmus + in Kiskunfélegyháza, Hungary. The training was elaborated on exploring and inventing digital youth work methods and tools in order to support the youth participation and activism of culturally diverse […]
Second visit of the representatives of the British Embassy in Serbia

After their first visit, impressed by the idea and the concept on which “Livrit” operates, today we had the pleasure to welcome for the second time, the representatives of the British Embassy in Belgrade, this time accompanied by the Head of the Political Department, mrs. Chantel Care. In this meeting, mrs. Care held a short […]
Study visit in the city of Belgrade

Our focus is to improve, develop, and advance the youth throughout miscellaneous events, workshops, activities, and projects of cultural, artistic, and educational nature to be developed at the regional and international levels. This time we cooperated with Civic Initiatives our organisation has made an available opportunity for our member Enes to join the “Study visit […]
Visit of YIHR representatives in Livrit

To our list of initiatives of cooperation and visits from international and regional organizations is added another one. Yesterday we had the privilege and pleasure to welcome the representatives of the Youth Initiative for Human Rights (YIHR) Ivan Đurić, Jelena Milutinović, Andjela Savić. During this meeting we presented our work and highlighted the issues facing […]